OptimOz is Australia's one-stop online store for happier and more productive Australians.
Through the right lifestyle choices, you can adapt to think on your feet, improve mental & physical endurance, tame your fight or flight response, and make better decisions. Our approach is embedded in the idea of 'Biohacking' the human body.
We represent the Bulletproof® brand in Australia. Proudly Featured in:
Our feature on the 6pm news. Blue light blockers have been shown to be an effective solution to combat artificial light exposure and help people fall asleep more easily.
We cater to a growing number of humans interested in achieving a state of high performance, We help you to address lifestyle factors that impact your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing which are all intricately linked.
- High quality foods like our low-toxin Bulletproof Coffee and energising Brain Octane Oil are just a small part of the equation.
- We are also the Australia and New Zealand suppliers for Primal Collective™ (a home-grown Australian brand focused on manufacturing local, source traceable and scientifically backed traditional foods) whose products include insect foods, grass fee ghee and synergistic whole food supplements.
- Using biofeedback gadgets like the Heartmath emWave2, we are able to train ourselves to do things like sleep better or become more resilient to the stresses of daily life.
- With a better understanding of artificial lighting in the workplace, we can increase control over our circadian rhythms, stay healthier and remain in an optimal state of performance and even avoid seasonal deficiencies.
- We stay on the cutting edge of the Quantified Self movement, actively attending conferences, using products and interviewing industry leaders like Jessica Richman from uBiome
- We eat and drink according to paleo, primal and Bulletproof principles where grass fed meat, ghee and coconut oil are not the enemy.
We have participated in a Quantified Self showcase on The Morning Show and have been covered in Australian Rolling Stone magazine, the Sydney Morning Herald and
Please contact us if you're looking for a great story or commentary on bio-hacking, Quantified Self, Nootropics, the whole Bulletproof Coffee thing or the reversal on long standing policies around nutritional guidelines, for example, how cholesterol is no longer being treated as enemy #1 in official US Dietary Guidelines.
Being at the forefront of this niche in Australia, we are well positioned to help you with expert commentary.
Journalists, producers, editors and bloggers are welcome to contact us directly: