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Bulletproof from a Nurses Perspective Part 7

Hi all! Nurse Extraordinaire here wishing you a wonderful Easter break! Life has been chaotic and I will use any measure I can (provided it’s legal) to assist me on my quest to remain extraordinary!

Thank god for my Brain Octane! It has kept me going and gives me the will to live! 30mLs a day is perfect! Great brain food. If you haven’t tried it, just do yourself a favour…☺. I love it on my soups. You can’t taste it but gee it gets your brain going. And takes away hunger pangs!

By the way, I hope you are all using your blue light blocker glasses and reducing your blue light exposure when you can. I know I go on about it but we really have excelled ourselves on blue light exposure. We never used to be indoors so much. Natural sunlight exposure is essential not only for Vitamin D production but more importantly for resetting of our circadian rhythm clock. Hmmm. You may say. What is she talking about? Well, believe it or not, we need all the spectrums of light from the sun to hit our retinas in our eyes. Even UV light. Which we have been told to fear. Stay tuned for more on this…

I am not advocating you go out and sunbake for 6 hours during the day. But I am advocating you get OUTSIDE, preferably sometime in the morning, without your glasses on, and NO sunglasses. Let the natural light hit your eyes. All you wonderful people who I see walking in the early morning prior to work have got it right. You have no idea how good this is for you. You are resetting your circadian rhythm by getting out in the daylight upon waking up. This also regulates your pituitary gland which in turn controls many hormonal responses throughout the day. I could tell you more but I suggest you listen to Jack Kruse. He is a neurosurgeon who has done so much research into this it is phenomenal. He is a bit over the top with all the science but it makes sense. It is not woowoo.

Basically, the more hours we spend indoors (most of us who work and many of us who don’t) the more dangerous it is for our health. We rely too much on artificial light, artificial food, artificial everything! Sunlight is free. So is walking. So get out there if you can between 8-11am, even if you can only just sit outside for your morning tea for 10 mins. Do it. Go look at the sky, get that light spectrum hitting the back of your eyes. You cannot get this effect by looking out your window. Glass blocks many of the beneficial effects of natural sunlight. And at night, when you are indoors watching TV, reading your iphone, ipad, put your blue light blocker glasses on to enhance your melatonin secretion which will ensure a natural, not artificial night’s sleep. Try it.

Love to you all and may the force continue to be with you!
Kerrie (Nurse Extraordinaire) ☺☺☺

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